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Conflict resolution in wildlife conservation

People and wildlife have lived in proximity to each other for millennia, sharing spaces, resources and coexisting so far as possible. As human populations have increased however, space for wildlife has diminished and conflicts with and about wildlife have escalated dramatically. It is a story that has become frequent and widespread, and is increasingly a major concern and priority for biodiversity conservation globally.


Often referred to as human-wildlife conflict, these situations may involve anything from grave safety and livelihood risks for local people living near protected areas home to highly endangered tigers and elephants, to shepherds reluctant to tolerate wolves in their environment, to damage to suburban gardens and worries about diseases from wildlife. Retaliation against the species blamed often ensues, in turn leading to disputes about what should be done, and sometimes escalating into deep divisions among people.  


I have worked on this topic for over 20 years, dedicated to learning, mediating, advising, and convening the best possible knowledge and processes that we can collectively discover. 

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